About Me

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Seattle, Washington, United States
Male Biker Friendly Hibernates during cold times

Saturday, September 18, 2010

NEW components!!!

Hey I just got my pay check yesterday and decided im buying new bars and a new stem for my bike.. I figured I'd post the color choices of the bars because i can't decide :P Leave a comment on which ones you like from the colors (top to bottom they are; anodized blue, dark green, pimp gold, red, orange, purple and anodized black) in the above picture ;) ...

and then im definitely getting the Race Face respond stem in black (top picture)

when i receive them i will post a "review"/unpacking and assembling picture thing.... and if im feeling frisky i might even post it in a video format :O or maybe a time lapse of me swapping bars and stem!!! :O :O :O


  1. Orange, Or the purples pretty sick to ^^

  2. depends what colors you got on your ride man, like me i got black and white, so on my bike I would go for white, I dont know about yours ;)

  3. im running mostly black and grey parts... i want colorrrr though so outta those which ones man?? ;)

  4. PURPLEEE all the way Dufty!!!!!! :D
    Ps I'm using my dads account. But it is Marushka just in case :p
