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Seattle, Washington, United States
Male Biker Friendly Hibernates during cold times

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I went to my first and last highschool homecoming dance last night, boy am i happy i only ever had to go to one :P lol. It was fun because i got to dance and people around me thought i was a good dancer xD That tells you right away how retarded White this dance was... im pretty sure i saw at least 5 people doing the lawnmower to lil john *-*..... Anyway i still had enough fun for the $23 ticket to be worth it. God do i miss Swedish parties :P


  1. baby ,,,, you know how i know that you're white....you spelled lil jon....lil joHn. hahah ;) 3 taps.

  2. hahaha nice jazzy :P
    aww that sounds fun kristian! i miss my homecoming dances, not that they were really that great but just because its a fun thing in highschool, everybody get ready then you get wasted at the party afterwards :D what was it like?????? aww i miss you

  3. it sucked balls :P soooooooo white. for god's sake people there thought I was good at dancing :P lololololol and theres not even any decent after parties here. Just straight suckage... :P

  4. awwww no afterparty????? that officializes it then. Well at least jazzy is coming to visit you and then there will be two of you to show seattle how to really party!! :D
