About Me

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Seattle, Washington, United States
Male Biker Friendly Hibernates during cold times

Monday, November 1, 2010


Hey guys, sorry its been a while since my last post ive been busy ;)
My beautiful girlfriend jazzy flew into town on Friday.. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO And then on saturday i went up north to Bellingham to visit Western Washington University, which by the way is super cool and in an excellent location ;) A top contender... Anyway

Sunday was Halloween and i spent most of my day shopping with Jazzy and my little sister meghan in an outdoor mall that is half indoors as well. Lots of cool stores, the aftermath:

Meghan: spent $6.95
Kristian: spent $52.50
Jazzy: spent $170.75 :PPP

And most of that was in makeup :P more on her visit to come soon ;) Hopefully upload some cute pics :D

koala out.

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