About Me

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Seattle, Washington, United States
Male Biker Friendly Hibernates during cold times

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dinner Guest

So quick catch up, I went to duthie hill (a sick mountain bike park) on sunday and had a blast! The jumps, berms and trails were so much fun. And it was awesome seeing so many cool bikes around :P Definitely gonna head back there sometime, and take some pictures and video next time too!

So today i left at 6.30am as usual but went to work immediately after school, then got home at 6.46pm.... long day :P Sat down and did all my homework before i decided to eat something too. So by the time i finally sat down to eat something it was 10 something at night.... luckily though someone came downstairs and kept me company at the dinner table. Thanks Munchkin!

Good night, Koala.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


So we had a sub in english today and were watching a MacBeth movie, I though to myself "There's no better time to start a new drawing" So I did. Over the last few weeks I have come to notice that I have fallen in love with drawing lines. This is due to the fact that my girlfriend LOVES drawing swirls on her papers when she doodles, and I guess it finally rubbed off on me too... thanks babe :)

Anyway here's the drawing I did finished last night;

And for some unknown reason, it will not let me flip this upright :( I apologize for that...

So i started tracing the edge of my credit card in order to get those rounded corners on the rectangles and then the shapes that aren't like the other were just free-handed on there. I outlined each box with a thick black line and then traced random lines through each box to create pattern. Then using two slightly different sized fine black markers I drew in the finer lines.

So it wasn't completely black and white i decided to do just one box in color which I'm quite happy with the way it turned out.

What do you think?


Ok so now that I look back on my blog, I've gotten myself a lot of fresh gear lately :P But it has been oh so worth every penny >:D

My e.thirteen LS1 chainguide got to the bike shop yesterday so I went down and picked that baby up.

It's exactly what I've been wanting to do to my bike for about 2 years now! Finally ditched that clunky 3 ring crank for the single ring/ chainguide set up! SCORE

The final product looks as such....

And there's nothing I can do on my own that is more relaxing than working on my bike :)

Chill Koala, gone.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Math Internal

Oh how I kind of sort of don't love thee one bit :)

Mathematical Koala out.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Thought i would share with you all some new stuff thats going on my bike and also some new riding threads!

My sister gave me some new ODI Ruffian grips for xmas and I LOVEEEE how they feel. Super low profile and ultra ULTRA grippy. Definitely recommended.

BOOO YEAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Brand new Raceface evolve DH crankset! Im so stoked to get this on my bike! I ordered an e.thirteen LG+ chainguide from the bike shop to go with this bad boy so that should be in tomorrow or thursday... more to come on this ;)

And finally i bought myself some actual riding shorts. They were on sale half off so i had to grab them. Im stoked for the color because they will match my full face and also they just look plain cool :P They have a detachable chamois/compression short liner which is ultra comfortable and looks the business too!

Well thats all for now... more to come when my chainguide gets here!

Mechanic Koala out.

Hello there!

I just got back home from possibly the best vacation I've ever had in my life. I flew home to Sweden and got to spend new years and a lot of time with my amazing girlfriend and also got to see a fair amount of my other friends which was super nice! I know i havent blogged since last year so I'll start it going again ;) I got some sick new shoes for xmas and i also bought myself some new ones from my buddy in Sweden, pictures of those to come later! I also got this really cool black cardigan from my girlfriend for christmas which i REALLY love!

Koala out!