About Me

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Seattle, Washington, United States
Male Biker Friendly Hibernates during cold times

Monday, April 4, 2011

Race results

Hey all, yesterday was the very first Washington Highschool mountain bike race! There was a super turnout with plenty of riders from all over racing and having fun. Im definitely stoked that I was able to take part in the beginning of something that is only going to grow with time. The race was held at Fort Steilacoom park and the track was a 4mile loop with a few major climbs and two decent descents. And the last mile was across open fields which made it a leg sapper :P Anyway I raced in the boys varsity league (which meant we rode 4 laps equaling 16 miles) and I placed 3rd with a time of 1:30:08... only 12 minutes behind 1st. The other two guys ahead of me are cyclocross racers and are also completely sponsored so I was pretty stoked with my result. Looking forward to the next race in about a month!

Tired Koala, out.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Back from orientation...

Hey all, I spent my whole day up in Bellingham for the WWU admitted students orientation day. It was pretty cool, I really love the campus up there, nice and out-doorsy. Basically just took another campus tour then I sat through two different class overview lectures, CBE (College of business and economics) which is what I will most like major in, and then later Psych♥ There will definitely be a minor degree in this at least. I paid my official "I will go to your school" fee last night so it's 100% official, Im Bellingham bound! And then on the way home from the days events I stopped in Marysville to purchase my new college-commuter bike from a guy named Ben. Meet the SE, full rigid, steel framed, single speed, 29er, machine that will carry me to all of my classes, appointments, work and of course just playing around.... and what a pretty color too :)

Green Koala, out.

9 months...

Today marked the last day of my work with Vans. It has been exactly 9 months to the day working with the team and it has definitely been super fun and a great introduction to the working world. I will be going up to WWU tomorrow and then I have a bike race on Sunday, expect some good posts! And next week work officially begins at Bicycles West!!! Needless to say Im super stoked on it! To hold yall over, here is yet another after-ride picture of myself getting home today after enjoying the brilliant, radiant, hot, sunshine here in the pacific north west!

Klean Koala, out.