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Seattle, Washington, United States
Male Biker Friendly Hibernates during cold times

Monday, April 4, 2011

Race results

Hey all, yesterday was the very first Washington Highschool mountain bike race! There was a super turnout with plenty of riders from all over racing and having fun. Im definitely stoked that I was able to take part in the beginning of something that is only going to grow with time. The race was held at Fort Steilacoom park and the track was a 4mile loop with a few major climbs and two decent descents. And the last mile was across open fields which made it a leg sapper :P Anyway I raced in the boys varsity league (which meant we rode 4 laps equaling 16 miles) and I placed 3rd with a time of 1:30:08... only 12 minutes behind 1st. The other two guys ahead of me are cyclocross racers and are also completely sponsored so I was pretty stoked with my result. Looking forward to the next race in about a month!

Tired Koala, out.

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