About Me

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Seattle, Washington, United States
Male Biker Friendly Hibernates during cold times

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Life Cycles recap.

Oh my gosh. I can die happy now after seeing that movie. IT WAS EPIC! So basically i woke up this morning and it began to snow which was rad. Then around 12 or so my dad and i left for the small town of North Bend where the movie would premiere. We got there around 1 and just chilled around the town, got some lunch at the North Bend Bar and Grill which was pretty good. Then around 3.30 we went inside the theater and just hung out with some of the dirt corp riders. They had done some snow DH before coming there and were rocking some pretty sick bikes (see below)

A super nice Commencal Supreme with a fresh dusting of snow.

And a nice Session 88, also fresh out of the snowy trails.

So before the movie there was a huge raffle of tons of bike stuff from gloves, helmets and jerseys to energy bars to forks and wheels. It was sick. I ended up winning a pair of Fox riding gloves which i gave to my sister, a diamondback tee, and 10 boxes of Clif Bars. a $240 value!!! WIN!

om nom nom nom Clif Bars♥

One bike nutso Koala, out.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Im soooooooooooo stoked for this movie to come out. Im going to the premiere tomorrow night down by Snoqualmie. Its going to be soooo SICK!!!! I've been waiting for this to come out for the last two years and i cant believe i finally get to see it tomorrow >:D
Check out the trailer... cinematography excellence!!!!!!!!!!! ♥

Quiz of the day!

This morning was beautiful and lots of sun, so I decided to go riding. It was amazing! SOOOOO much mud on the trails made for enormous amounts of fun, I found a new side of the state park which has WAY better trails than the area i have been riding, and on top of that all i found a riding group finally who meet up to ride those trails every saturday morning... SCORE!

Anyway, heres the quiz of the day;

After getting my riding clothes off i took a picture of my legs, can you tell where my socks stopped? ;)))

One muddy Koala, out.


Teaching people about graffiti and stencils in art club at the moment. I cut this stencil out the other morning and sprayed the front of my book real quick. White base coat with a fluorescent orange on top.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I love my job

So today at work was pretty awesome. I love my job. From crab fights, craig trying to rip off Joe's nipple, beanie basketball, penny fights and a photo shoot, we had lots of fun. By the way, all of that happened during the last hour we were open since it was so slow. Joe went and bought a sheep pelt for his baby daughters crib to help keep her the right temperature when she sleeps. When he brought this back to the store Craig snatched it and had me give him one of our new fleece shoes to model with, playgirl magazine, if you see this Craig wants in.

Craig with our Sk8-hi fleece shoes

Again, I ♥ my job

Thursday, November 11, 2010

After school ride

After school today i decided to start my 4 day weekend off with some mountain biking. So i went up to St. Edwards state park which is like 3 minutes away and rode tons of XC and DH trails. I had one pretty gnarly crash that sent me off the trail into some bushes and a tree but im uninjured (somehow?!? :P) Super fun, plenty of mud too which was amazingly fun. Check some pics from the ride...

How's this for some gnarly roots?? You cant tell in this picture but this was STEEEEP.

Taking a break down by the lake after 1.6 miles of DH

A fresh coat of mud on the bike... ahh fall at it's finest :)

And here's a shot of the lake, now all i have to do is ride my bike uphill for 1.6 miles. What a nice workout :)

Koala out.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

They call me... the lurker.

So i was cruising around the bike sites the other night and stumbled across this beauty, the Gran Royale Lurker. Its a single speed bike. Can be set up as either a fixed gear or a free wheel. Im asking for money for xmas and my birthday so i can buy this bike to use as my commuter now and for when i go off to college. Ill also probably get more into fixie style tricks when i get it too. Def have to go with the creeper black on black so i can lurk efficiently ;))

Koala is creepin

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Amazing week♥

Jazz left today :((( But that means that i can start counting down the days until im in sweden again to see her and other friends too ;)) (which is 51 days just for the record)

And as the colder breezes are blowing in through my window i realize just how much jazz means to me :) Im lying in my bed veggin out with my computer and im waiting for her to rest her head on my shoulder or tell me to turn my computer off or ask if i want to watch americas next top model or something like that. Basically this last week went by WAY faster than it was supposed to...

Some of the things we did were a college visit, shopping, shopping, walking around downtown, shopped, celebrated my moms 46 birthday, shopped, i took my final SAT, and I took jazzy to dinner in the Space Needle which was SUPER nice :))

I cant wait to see her more♥ 3 taps alskling♥♥♥

Koala, out.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Hey guys, sorry its been a while since my last post ive been busy ;)
My beautiful girlfriend jazzy flew into town on Friday.. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO And then on saturday i went up north to Bellingham to visit Western Washington University, which by the way is super cool and in an excellent location ;) A top contender... Anyway

Sunday was Halloween and i spent most of my day shopping with Jazzy and my little sister meghan in an outdoor mall that is half indoors as well. Lots of cool stores, the aftermath:

Meghan: spent $6.95
Kristian: spent $52.50
Jazzy: spent $170.75 :PPP

And most of that was in makeup :P more on her visit to come soon ;) Hopefully upload some cute pics :D

koala out.