About Me

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Seattle, Washington, United States
Male Biker Friendly Hibernates during cold times

Thursday, November 11, 2010

After school ride

After school today i decided to start my 4 day weekend off with some mountain biking. So i went up to St. Edwards state park which is like 3 minutes away and rode tons of XC and DH trails. I had one pretty gnarly crash that sent me off the trail into some bushes and a tree but im uninjured (somehow?!? :P) Super fun, plenty of mud too which was amazingly fun. Check some pics from the ride...

How's this for some gnarly roots?? You cant tell in this picture but this was STEEEEP.

Taking a break down by the lake after 1.6 miles of DH

A fresh coat of mud on the bike... ahh fall at it's finest :)

And here's a shot of the lake, now all i have to do is ride my bike uphill for 1.6 miles. What a nice workout :)

Koala out.


  1. I am jealous... That forest looks amazing man. You got some serious good life :D

  2. Your welcome to come here and ride whenever you want man ;))

    And thank you babe :)
